

Artist: Sonia Antilla
Media: Yarn, cheesecloth, driftwood

Weaving is rhythmic, meditative, and in this over-under motion of my needle, I have found space to express what is on my mind. Most often that means thinking about places I have been, their natural beauty, and their impressions on me. Exploring the outdoors is so integral in my life, that working with tactile, soft materials such as yarn and fabric, expresses my affection for nature.

For many years I thought of myself as a painter, but while earning my BA in Studio Arts at UCSC, I studied abroad in Ghana. There I learned about traditional weaving techniques, but also the cultural history and symbolism imbued in the medium. I became inspired by the practice of using weaving to communicate specific concepts. The approach I have since developed is more intuitive than technical, and I think of my tapestries as akin to paintings rather than textiles. I string up my simple, frame loom and within the repetitive movement of weaving, I interpret the essence of nature. The result is a piece that is a visual conversation between concepts and materials, that also serves as a small homage to a particular time and place.

"Cumulus", 2020 :  In my backyard I took a photo of the clouds, when this whole thing started. The image has been hopeful for me. Clouds and blue sky offer clarity, and delineate negative space from positive. Like a rest in music, the space between helps us understand the shapes of things.
Right now, it feels good focus on edges, ends and define-ables.

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