Community Development


The Community Development Department promotes safe and orderly development which provides economic vitality while preserving Capitola's unique cultural and historic character. 


The Community Development Department is dedicated to providing responsive, high-quality services and programs which enhance the quality of life for the City's residents, businesses, and visitors.  The Community Development Department includes the Building and Planning divisions and administers the land use policies and standards adopted by the City Council, including the General Plan, Local Coastal Program, Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, Building Codes, and affordable housing policies.


Housing Element Update: The City of Capitola is currently updating the General Plan Housing Element.  For more information, view the Housing Element Update Webpage. 

2024 CDBG Application: The City of Capitola plans to apply for the 2024 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).  A public hearng will be conducted on July 24, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at City Council Chambers located at 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA in order to discuss possible applications for funding under the 2024 (July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025) State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and to solicit public input on possible activities to be included in the application and general program overview.  Check out the Public Notice (link).

New Business Guide: Are you considering starting a new business or relocating an existing business in Capitola.  Check out our New Business Guide.

Zoning Code Amendments

Monarch Cove Inn: The City received a rezone request for the Monarch Cove Inn property which includes amendments to Chapter 17.28 Visitor Serving Overlay, the General Plan Land Use Map, and the Zoning Map. The request is to rezone the Monarch Cove Inn property from the Visitor Serving zoning district to Single-Family zoning district with the Visitor Serving Overlay.  This change went before the Coastal Commission during the 2021 update for certification and was not approved.  Coastal Commission requested for further analysis related to the site.   For more information, view the Public Review Draft of Zoning Code Amendments webpage.  This amendment has been submitted to Coastal Commission for Certification and is pending a hearing date. 

SB9 Ordinance: The City of Capitola updated the Zoning Code to incorporated development standards allowed under Senate Bill 9 (SB9).  Under SB9, properties zoned single-family may subdivide into two lots and two units may be built on each lot.  This allows up to 4 units total.  The SB9 Ordinance was certified by the Coastal Commission in February of 2023. 

Objective Standards for Multifamily and Mixed-Use Residential Ordinance: The City of Capitola recently updated the Zoning Code to incorporated objective standards for multifamily and mixed-use residential developments.  The new standards provide development standards for circulations, streetscape, parking, vehicle access, building placment, orientation, entires and massing, facade and roof design, and other site features.  

Outdoor Dining:  The City of Capitol recently updated the Zoning Code to permit outdoor dining in the Central Village.  For more information, visit our Outdoor Dining webpage.

Inclusionary Housing Ordinance Update: The City of Capitola recently updated Municipal Code Chapter 18.02: Affordable (Inclusionary) Housing and affordable housing fees associated with the ordinance.  As part of the update, the City completed a Nexus Study for For-sale Units, a Nexus Study for Rental Units, and a Affordable Housing Fee  Feasibility Analysis.  

Zoning Code and Coastal Commission Certification: On June 9, 2021, the California Coastal Commission certified Capitola's new Zoning Code, Zoning Map, and General Plan Land Use Map.  The new Zoning Code and Maps are now applicable Citywide.

Capitola Mall Redevelopment:  In 2019, the City received a conceptual review application for the redevelopment of the Capitola Mall.  The mixed use concept include a new open air main street concept and the introduction of 637 residential units.  The mall owner is planning to submit a development application in 2021 incorporating the feedback received during the conceptual review. [More]

A Permit Information and Guidance webpage has been created to help the public and customers understand and successfully navigate the City's permitting process [More]

Vacation Rental Rules and Regulations are available on the City website to guide property owners on how to operate a legal vacation rental in Capitola [more]

Green Energy Incentive Program: The City Council recently adopted the Green Energy Incentive Program which provides for expedited and FREE permit processing for private rooftop solar systems, solar water heaters, and electric vehicle charging stations.  See the Green Energy Incentive Program brochure for additional information.

1098 38th Avenue: 52 unit affordable housing project: Links to ERR, FONSI, and RROF below. Attachments for the ERR are available by request. Please email for more information. 


If you are interested in developing your property, please review the City's Permit Processing Guide and complete an Application Form.