Black's Beach

Black's Beach

Artist: Kate Beebe DeVarney
Media: mixed media / cold wax, oil and gold leaf on wood panel

My reflection on 2020 represents how the beauty of nature has healed and sustained me through the turbulent and often tragic times we have collectively experienced.  Exploring the solace of nature through art has helped me heal from both breast cancer and COVID in 2020.  This was my first foray into painting with cold wax and oil, and I fell in love with the wabi-sabi style of working with this medium.  The silver lining of 2020 for me was that thanks to shelter-in-place restrictions, my wife and I are able to work remotely.  In August, we realized our dream of moving to the beach and now live in Aptos.  I still go to Black's Beach to breathe-in the balance of sand, waves, and sky and teach Qigong.

To see more of Kate's work, visit


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