Capitola Junior Guards

JG logo

video courtesy of RPM Training/Iron Compass Initiative


The Capitola Junior Lifeguard program is a very active, physically challenging, and competitive program that provides instruction in the fundamentals of ocean water safety, first aid, lifesaving, fitness, and good sportsmanship. Junior Guards are required to swim or be involved in ocean-oriented activities every day, so they must be able to swim and be comfortable in the ocean before enrolling in the program. Activities include open water swimming, paddle boarding, body surfing, mock rescues, beach & water games, calisthenics, and workouts. 

Registration Dates:


          Tuesday, March 11:  Registration opens at 8:30am, Priority RESIDENT Junior Guards.


          Wednesday, March 12: Registration opens at 8:30am, ALL NON-RESIDENT Junior Guards, open to everyone.  


***Resident: Primary residence is within the city limits of Capitola and/or the boundaries of the Soquel Union Elementary School District.


SESSION FEES: Resident $303 Non-Resident $378


Session 1: June 9 - July 3 (no program on June 19, July 4)
Session 2: July 8 - August 1

Program Times
Morning Session: 9 am - Noon 
Afternoon Session: 1 pm - 4 pm


Parents are responsible for their children immediately prior to and immediately following scheduled program hours. 

Little Guards (6-8 year olds):
Little Guards must be comfortable in the ocean,  able to swim the length of a pool and tread water. We require daily participation in entering and exiting through ocean waves and conditioning activities including calisthenics, running and beach games. Swim lessons prior to enrolling in the program are highly recommended. 

Junior Guards (9-15 year olds):

Junior Guards are required to be involved in ocean-oriented activities every day, so they must be comfortable swimming in the ocean before enrolling in the program

C’s (9-11yrs): must swim unassisted around buoy 1 on the first day, 100–150-yard freestyle swimming, tread water for 3 minutes.

B’s (12-13yrs): must swim unassisted around 1st – 2nd buoy on the first day, 200-300 yards (ex: 8-12 pool laps) freestyle swimming, tread water for 3 minutes.

A’s (14-15yrs): must swim unassisted around 1st - 3rd buoys on the 1st day, minimum of 300-500 continuous yards (ex: 12- 20 pool laps), tread water for 4 minutes.

U19 (16-18yrs) Program:

This training program includes instruction in leadership, safety, physical fitness, and communication, to prepare participants to be future Capitola Lifeguards.

Applicants must participate in the morning program and may be requested to volunteer in the afternoon with the Junior Lifeguard program. Upon completion of 40 hours of volunteering they will be reimbursed for registration fees

The cost is $190.



  • If you participated in Junior Guards or other Capitola recreation programs since March 2022, do not create a new account. You have an existing account in our CivicPlus Recreation Management system.  However, You may have to update your password in your existing account, as CivicRec Has updated its security protocols and is now under the larger CivicPlus umbrella. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR EXISTING ACCOUNT WELL AHEAD OF REGISTRATION DAY. 
  • Participants must register in the group according to their age as of September 1st. 
  • Contact us by email at
    • to change your address
    • if you encounter problems with your account

Scholarship Information 

Every year the Junior Lifeguards Parents Club and the Capitola Public Safety & Community Service Foundation provide a limited amount of scholarships for children who otherwise would not be able to afford the program. If you would like to donate to this fund please follow the link below and click on Donate Today.

Scholarship applications are awarded on a first come first served basis. If you are applying for a scholarship, please register for Guards with a partial payment at your check out screen. If you do not receive a scholarship, the rest of your payment will be due two weeks after your first payment.

Applications will be available at the bottom of this page the week of registration. Scholarship applications must be received after registering for the program. This allows the scholarship committee time to review the application.

Scholarship application link:



The Capitola Junior Lifeguard Program must arrange staffing, supplies, and equipment needs for the entire summer at the beginning of the summer. Refunds thus have a significant impact on the City’s ability to provide program services. For that reason, we ask that you review and agree to the following policies prior to enrolling a participant in the program.

Click Here to view the Capitola Recreation refund policy

There is no refund of fees for students who are suspended or removed from the program for disciplinary reasons.

Frequently asked questions here:

Si tiene preguntas sobre las clases y programas que ofrecemos, por favor llamanos a (831) 475-5935



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Junior Lifeguards
Junior Lifeguards
Junior Lifeguards