RFQ - Pavement Management Design Services
The City of Capitola, Department of Public Works, is seeking a consultant to provide pavement management planning and design support services. The primary scope of work will include assisting the City in developing a multi-year street improvement schedule, developing the most economical repair alternatives, and preparation of construction plans, specifications and estimates.
Interested firms should submit Statements of Qualifications to the City by 5:00 p.m. on July 22 2021. SOQ’s shall be delivered to Kailash Mozumder, Public Works Project Manager, 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA 95010. Submittals may be made in person, via mail or email (15mb limit).
Should you have any questions about this RFQ or the selection process, please contact Mr. Mozumder by phone at (831) 475-7300 or via email at kmozumder@ci.capitola.ca.us