Cliff Drive Resiliency Project - Planning, Environmental, Design, PS&E, and Construction Support Services
The Department of Public Works for the City of Capitola is currently advertising for proposals for Planning, Environmental, Design, PS&E, and Construction Support Services the following project:
Cliff Drive Resiliency Project
General work description:
Currently, minimal shoreline armoring in the project area consists of rip rap designed to absorb and spread the energy from wave action. A portion of the project area is also protected by a ten foot soil nail wall at the top of the bluff constructed in 1997. The current erosion rate with the existing minimal armoring will result in the loss of additional portions of the roadway and parking areas in coming years. The proposed project will provide long term resiliency for this critical facility.
The City’s Local Coastal Program (LCP) currently identifies Cliff Drive as a priority for coastal access improvements (Policy II-4) as the pedestrian and bicycle facilities currently consist of an unimproved road shoulder.
Phase 1 of this project is to identify a preferred alternative to improve the road structure and configuration, which will then be incorporated as an amendment to the LCP.
Phase 2 will develop the preferred conceptual design through to final design and includes environmental review and permitting requirements. Services performed during the design phase may include planning and performing field reviews/studies, completing regulatory agency permitting and coordination, preparation of CEQA and NEPA bdocumentation, and developing biddable construction documents (plans, specifications, and construction cost estimate).
The project is funded FHWA through the Emergency Relief Program and by the California Coastal Commission through the LCP Local Assistance Grant Program. All work must comply with State and Federal, and local requirements. The DBE goal for this project is 19% (see Addendum 1).
Proposals are due on or before 11:00 A.M. on Tuesday, September 26, 2023
The Proposal Requirements, including the full Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals, can be obtained on the City's website at (Bids and RFPs), at the Public Works office at 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola CA 95010, or by calling (831) 475-7300.
Jessica Kahn, Public Works Director
NOTE: You must register below as a document holder to download the proposal documents and to recieve updates and notices on the project.