Report a Concern
Do you have a concern related to the Pure Water Soquel Project? Please click their link for updates: (link is external)
Items that are being addressed:
- Public work crews are cleaning stormdrains throughout the City of Capitola.
- Public works crews are actively repairing potholes in various locations.
- If you would like to report a pot hole please use the Submit a Service request link below
- Regular Public works task include: vegetation maintenance in Parks and City of Capitola properties. Private property owners are reminded to keep the right of way clear of vegetation, hedges or any other obstruction to pedestrian or vehical traffic.
- If you would like to report a vegetation issue please use the Submit a Service request link below
Do not use this form to report emergencies. To report illicit discharge call the Department of Public Works at 831.475.7300 or after business hours call Non-Emergency Dispatch at 831.471.1141.
You can report the following types of concerns by clicking here to: Submit a Service Request to the City of Capitola
- Potholes
- Streetlight outages
- Graffiti
- Sidewalk issues