Public Review Drafts of Zoning Code Updates

2024 Zoning Code Updates Public Review Draft

The Public Review Draft of the Amendments to the Capitola Zoning Code (Title 17), Residential Density Bonus (Chapter 18.03) and the Capitola Zoning Map are now available, as follows:  

2024 Zoning Code Amendments Public Review Draft(link)

Summary Table of Zoning Map Amendments (link)

2024 Chapter 18.03 Residential Density Bonus Amendments Public Review Draft (link)

Capitola Zoning Map (link)

To submit public comment, either write or email Associate Planner Sean Sesanto at or mail comment to CDD, Attn. Sean Sesanto, 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA, 95010 

Upcoming Meetings

Planning Commission - September 5, 2024, at 6pm Topics: office uses in the C-R zoning district, Chapter 18.03 (Residential Density Bonus), and second-story decks

Planning Commission - September 19, 2024, at 5pm Topics: Recommendation to City Council on aamendments to Zoning Code, Zoning Map, and Chapter 18.03 Residential Density Bonus  

City Council - October 12, 2024, at 6 pm  Topics: First reading of ordinance amending Capitola's Zoning Code, Zoning Map, and Chapter 18.03 Residential Density Bonus

City Council - October 24, 2024, at 6 pm  Topics: Second reading of ordinance amending Capitola's Zoning Code, Zoning Map, and Chapter 18.03 Residential Density Bonus

What topics related to housing are included in the (2024) Zoning Code Amendments?

Topics for zoning code update include the affordable housing overlay, new opportunities for missing middle housing and alternative housing types, corner duplexes, lot consolidations, requirements for replacement housing, decreased parking requirements, housing on education and religious sites, density bonus, emergency shelters, low barrier navigation centers, transitional housing, supportive housing, employee housing, large residential care facilities, reasonable accommodations, and daycares.  

Are there topics in the Zoning Code Amendments that do not relate to housing? 

Additional topics in the Zoning Code amendments not related to the housing element include modifications to the design permit process, curb cuts, opaque windows, location of retail cannabis establishments, first-floor office space, ADUs, upper-floor decks, signs, historic preservation, permit time limits and extensions, home occupation, wireless facilities, garage setbacks, and definitions. 

Do the Zoning Code Amendment topics include rezoning of multifamily (RM) zoned properties and/or changes to multifamily development standards? 

On August 15, 2024, the Planning Commission directed staff not to include the zone changes and zoning code amendments of multifamily zones with the 2024 amendments.  In 2025, the City will consider amendments to Residential Multifamily (RM) subzones (Capitola Municipal Code Section 17.16 Residential Zoning Districts) and the rezoning of the existing RM subzones.  The City will also review amendments to Incentives for Community Benefits (Chapter 17.88).

When has the Planning Commission and City Council met to discuss the Amendments? 

The following table includes the past and future anticipated meeting dates for the Zoning updates. 

2024 Zoning Updates Meeting Schedule (subject to change)

Date Meeting Type  

February 1, 2024

Planning Commission Work Session (6 pm) Meeting Info Link

February 15, 2024

Planning Commission Special Work Session (5 pm) Meeting Info Link

May 2, 2024

Planning Commission Work Session (6 pm) Meeting Info Link

June 6, 2024

Planning Commission Work Session (6 pm) Meeting Info Link

July 23, 2024

Planning Commission Special Work Session (5 pm) Meeting Info Link

August 15, 2024 

Planning Commission - Public Hearing (6 pm) Meeting Info Link

September 5, 2024

Planning Commission - 6 pm

September 19, 2024

Planning Commission Special Session - 5 pm

Public Hearing with Recommendation to City Council

October 10, 2024

City Council - 6 pm

First Reading of Ordinance

October 24, 2024

City Council - 6 pm

Second Reading of Ordinance and Adoption



How Can I participate in the discussion? 

The public is welcome to attend the Planning Commission and City Council meetings and make comment during the public comment period.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can submit written comment to the Planning Commission through email to or by sending a letter to City Hall Planning Commission, 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA 95076.  We encourage you to send emails and letters at least 24 hours in advance of a meeting to ensure the Commission and Council have time to read them. 


Monarch Cove Inn Update to the Capitola Zoning Code, Zoning Map, and General Plan Land Use Map

Monarch Cove Inn: On August 22, 2024, the City Council adopted a resolution accepting the California Coastal Commission modifications to amendments to the City of Capitola General Plan Map, Zoning Map, Municipal Code Chapter 17.28 Visitor Serving Overlay Zones, and removal of Municipal Code Chapter 17.30 Visitor Serving District - Monarch Cove Inn.

The City received a rezone application for the Monarch Cove Inn property which includes amendments to Chapter 17.28 Visitor Serving Overlay, the General Plan Land Use Map, and the Zoning Map.  The request is to rezone the Monarch Cove Inn property from the Visitor Serving zoning district to Single-Family zoning district with the Visitor Serving Overlay.  This change went before the Coastal Commission during the 2021 update for certification and was not approved.  A subsequent request was submitted to the Coastal Commission in 2023.  The request was to maintain the Monarch Cove Inn as Visitor Serving and rezone the inland parcels of the Monarch Cove Inn to single-family.  The updated rezone was conditionally certified by the Coastal Commission in 2024.