RFQ for Design Review Services including Architect, Landscape Architect, and Architectural Historian
The City of Capitola is inviting submittals of Statements of Qualifications from interested and qualified Architects, Landscape Architects, and Architectural Historians to provide comprehensive peer review of design permit applications. Within the City of Capitola, all multifamily housing and commercial development projects require a design permit with peer-review by city-contracted design professionals. Also, all modifications to historic structures in Capitola require review by an Architectural Historian for consistency with the Secretary of Interior’s Standards to make findings of no significant impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The discretionary design review process was created to ensure that new development exhibits high quality design that enhances Capitola’s unique identity and sense of place. The current request for qualifications is to fill the city-contracted design professional roles of architect, landscape architect, and architectural historian for the design review process.