Capitola Beach Flume and Jetty Rehabilitation
The Department of Public Works for the City of Capitola is currently advertising for bids for the construction of the following project:
Capitola Beach Flume and Jetty Rehabilitation
General work description:
This project will complete improvements on two structures located on Capitola Beach. The scope of work on the flume includes installing a liner, reconstructing the top of the outer end of the flume, and installing cutoff walls underneath the flume. The jetty work includes re-establishing the height and nose of the jetty to its originally constructed dimensions by restacking both existing and imported rock.
Construction timing:
The contractor is hereby advised that the construction window for this project shall extend from October 2020 through April 2021. All construction work on the flume and jetty may occur concurrently or separately. Flume repair is anticipated to occur after the Soquel Creek breaches the sand bar and flows directly to Monterey Bay, no longer flowing through the flume. This breaching typically occurs when stream flow exceeds 30 cubic feet per second (cfs), likely in October or November. Jetty repair is anticipated to occur during the lowest tides of the season, but outside of large winter wave events. Total project duration is anticipated to be 1 to 2 months if performed concurrently, or 3 to 4 months if performed sequentially.
The estimated cost of construction is $868,500
Bids are due on or before 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 5, 2020
The project plans and specifications, including the full Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, can be obtained on the City's website at, at the Public Works office at 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola CA 95010, or by calling (831) 475-7300.
Steven E. Jesberg, Public Works Director