Reconstruct Storm Damaged Bike Path and Shoulder on Park Avenue
The Department of Public Works for the City of Capitola is currently advertising for bids for the construction of the following project:
Reconstruct Storm Damaged Bike Path and Shoulder on Park Avenue
General work description:
Slope reconstruction and road repair work along Park Avenue in the City of Capitola. The work will include traffic control, clearing and grubbing, tree and stump removal, grading and structural backfill with geogrid reinforcement, road paving, drainage improvements and related work.
The estimated cost of construction is $379,216
Bids are due on or before 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The project plans and specifications, including the full Notice Inviting Sealed Bids, can be obtained on the City's website at, or at the Public Works office at 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola CA 95010, or by calling (831) 475-7300.
Steven E. Jesberg, Public Works Director