Public Workshop: Multi-family homes in the Single-Family Zone (R-1)

Monday, June 15, 2015 - 6:00pm

6 pm in the City Council Chambers

420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA


The City’s current code requires all multi-family residences in the single-family (R-1) zone to either change to a single-family home or apply for an extension 50 years from the date the property became non-conforming, or by  June 26, 2019, whichever date is later. For the City Council to grant an extension, the property owner must demonstrate an effort toward appearance, condition, and management of the property that is not detrimental to the character of the single-family neighborhood.

The City would like to hear from residence about this topic. Please either attend the June 15th public workshop OR fill out our survey online at:

We would appreciate your input by June 15th, 2015. Please call for a mailed hard copy of the survey or stop by City Hall.

Email, write, or call Joanna Wilk with additional comments or questions. Email:     Address: City of Capitola, 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA 95010   Phone: (831) 475-7300.