Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is a City Council-appointed Commission whose members are charged with reviewing land use and development permits (Conditional Use Permits, Coastal Development Permits, Design Permits, subdivisions, etc.) for consistency with the Capitola General Plan, and the Capitola Municipal Code. Planning Commission decisions may be appealed to the City Council. The Planning Commission provides recommendations to the City Council on General Plan amendments and rezoning requests, and provides direction to the Community Development Department regarding the interpretation of city planning policies and codes.

The Planning Commission meets the first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.

Effective 1/31/2023, the Planning Commission meeting time changed and now takes place at 6 p.m.

Current Planning Commissioners

Name Term Expires
Westman, Susan 12/2026
Christiansen, Courtney 12/2026
Howard, Matthew 12/2026
Estey, Paul 12/2026
Kieu, Nathan 12/2026

Email the entire Planning Commission

Staff Representatives:
Community Development Director Katie Herlihy
831-475-7300 ext. 216

Senior Planner Brian Froelich
831-475-7300 ext. 259

Associate Planner Sean Sesanto
831-475-7300 ext. 256