Updates from City Hall

View of new library from Clares Street

Current Update

April 24, 2017

This column is intended to provide the community with updates about City of Capitola projects and activities of interest. If you have any suggestions for future topics, or feedback, please let me know at jgoldstein@ci.capitola.ca.us or by phone at 475-7300.

Initial Capitola Branch Library Design Approved

In late March, the City Council approved the schematic design for the new, permanent Capitola Branch Library, which will replace the temporary structure on Wharf Road. The 11,700-square-foot building will include separate spaces for children, teens, and adults, a community meeting room, and access to current technology. 

Rispin Pathway Project Update

If the rains ever stop, City staff anticipates that work on the partially constructed pathways will resume in early May and should take three to four weeks to complete.

PG&E Community Pipeline Safety Initiative

PG&E has embarked on a region-wide Community Pipeline Safety Initiative which aims to remove structures, trees, and other vegetation which has the potential to damage its underground, high-pressure natural gas line.  PG&E’s natural gas line extends through Capitola, in an east-west direction, from approximately Gross Road to McGregor Drive.  As part of the project, PG&E received City permits to remove three trees and trim the canopies of five additional trees within the Rispin Mansion/Peery Park property.  The permits were issued through the City’s standard tree removal process, including the required public notification. All work on the Rispin/Peery Park property will be monitored by a certified arborist and a biologist to ensure impacts to other trees and sensitive vegetation is avoided.  PG&E will replace removed trees at a 3:1 ratio and will perform long-term maintenance to ensure the trees become successfully established. 

Park Avenue Bike Lane Repairs

The City is working with Graniterock to reconstruct the bike lane along Park Avenue that was heavily damaged during the February storms.  The repairs will include the construction of a new retaining wall below the road and reconstruction of the road embankment.  The first step will be to remove the large fallen trees from the area to allow the retaining wall to be built.  Daytime closures of Park Avenue between Kennedy Drive and Coronado Street will be necessary during construction, which will be completed this summer.

Bicyclists Needed for RTC Committee

The City of Capitola needs a representative and alternate to serve on the Regional Transportation Commission’s Bicycle Advisory Committee. The Bicycle Advisory Committee currently meets on the second Monday of every other month from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., in the Regional Transportation Commission’s Conference Room at 1523 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz (above Chef Works). The public is welcome to attend. Contact Cory Caletti, senior transportation planner/bicycle coordinator, at info@sccrtc.org or (831) 460-3200. Applications are available on the RTC’s website. 

Jamie Goldstein

City Manager