Proposed Monterey Avenue Skate Park
UPDATE 9/22/17: The staff report for the September 25, 2017 special City Council hearing has been released and can be found here
UPDATE 8/7/17: The City Council's decision to approve the project has been set aside by the Santa Cruz County Superior Court. The City Council is scheduled to reconsider the project on September 25, 2017 at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers.
**UPDATE 6/17/16: The staff report for the June 23, 2016 City Council hearing on the proposed skate park is now available at
A composite graphic showing the three site options has been prepared.
** UPDATE 6/13/16: Site plans for two modified locations as outlined in Alternative 1 of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) have been developed and can be reviewed from the links below. Staff will present three options for the skate park location at the June 23 City Council hearing: 1) the site behind the eucalyptus grove proposed by the applicants; 2) a modified location which would place the skate park immediately adjacent and parallel with the parking lot; and 3) a modified location in the area occupied by the eucalyptus grove. The locations for options 2 and 3 will be marked in the field on or before June 3.
Additional EIR analysis and information of the optional site locations under Alternative 1 have been prepared for the Final EIR and is available for public review. Hard copies are available for review at City Hall.
Proposed Skate Park Plans - Option #1
Skate Park Location - Option #2
Skate Park Location - Option #3
** UPDATE 4/14/16: The Planning Commission decision to approve the Monterey Avenue Skate Park has been appealed to the City Council. The City Council hearing to consider the appeal has been set for Thursday June 23, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Capitola City Council Chambers.
**UPDATE 4/1/16: The Planning Commission considered the proposed Monterey Avenue Skate Park on March 31 and voted 5-0 to certify the EIR and approve a Conditional Use Permit, Design Permit, and Coastal Development Permit. The staff presentation and staff report are available for review. The Planning Commission approved a modified project design as evaluated as Alternative 1 in the EIR, which would shift the skate park location to the north near the existing parking lot for improved visibility and public safety. The Planning Commission also added several conditions of approval, including:
- No special events or competitions shall be held at the skate park;
- Redwood trees shall be preserved;
- Any required replacement trees shall be planted on-site and irrigated to ensure successful establishment. No in-lieu fees for tree replacement shall be permitted;
- Adequate seating areas (benches, cube seating, etc) shall be provided and specified in the final design;
- A post-operation noise evaluation shall be conducted to ensure noise attenuation features effectively reduce noise to acceptable levels. The applicants shall provide a bond, letter of credit, or other acceptable financial instrument to pay for post operation monitoring and installation of any necessary, additional noise attenuation features;
- The applicant shall execute a Defense and Indemnity agreement to the satisfaction of the City Attorney prior to the City Council considering a Right-of-Entry Agreement;
- The standard permit revocation condition shall be added to the permit;
- Fencing shall be modified to include a curved top to further discourage unauthorized entry when the park is closed;
- The permits shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission 6 months following the opening of the skate park to ensure adequate rules, regulations, conditions, and hours of operation have been applied to the project.
A Right-of-Entry Permit must be approved by the City Council prior to construction or operation of the proposed skate park. A hearing date will be announced and posted if the near future.
** UPDATE: The Final EIR (FEIR) has been completed. The FEIR, public comment letters, and a Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program are accessible through links listed near the bottom of this page. The FEIR includes all comments received during the public review and comment period of the Draft EIR, staff responses, and revisions shown in strikeout/underline format. Hard copies of the FEIR are available for review at City Hall and the Capitola Branch Library.
The City is processing a privately initiated application to construct an approximately 6,000 square-foot skate park proposed to be located in Monterey Park. A Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been completed for the project. The Draft EIR found potentially significant impacts to noise, hazards/hazardous materials (soil contamination), and biological resources (nesting birds).
The project will require approval of a design permit, conditional use permit, and a coastal development permit from the Planning Commission. Planning Commission decisions may be appealed to the City Council. A right-of-entry permit would also need to be approved by the City Council. The project is scheduled to be considered by the Planning Commission on March 31, 2016.
Please contact us if you would like to receive notices of upcoming meetings.
Project Schedule
EIR Public Scoping Meeting | June 30, 2015 at 6:00 PM in City Council Chambers VIDEO |
Architectural and Site Review Committee Meeting | July 22, 2015 at 3:30 PM in the City Council Chambers |
EIR Public Review & Comment Period | November 18, 2015 - January 8, 2016 |
Planning Commission Hearing | March 31, 2016 |
City Council Hearing | June 23, 2016 - 7:00 PM |
Project Documents
Skate Park Plans (revised March, 2016)
Additions to the Final Environmental Impact Report (including additional noise analysis)
Final Environmental Impact Report
Public Comment Letters # 18-25
Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP)
Notice of Preparation - Environmental Impact Report - Monterey Avenue Skate Park
CEQA Initial Study - Monterey Avenue Skate Park
EIR Public Scoping Meeting Presentation
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report
Draft Environmental Impact Report
Draft Environmental Impact Report - Figures
DEIR Appendix A - Revised Initial Study
DEIR Appendix B - Notice of Preparation and Comments Received
DEIR Appendix D - Traffic Study
DEIR Appendix E - Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessment