Current Planning
Current Planning is responsible for implementation of the General Plan, Zoning Code, design guidelines, and related development standards and policies through the development review process. Current Planning staff reviews all proposed land development applications for consistency with City plans and ordinances with the goal of promoting high-quality projects which positively contribute to community character. Current Planning responsibilities include:
- Assisting the public with zoning and land use questions at the customer service counter, over the phone, or by email;
- Reviewing and processing discretionary permit applications to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal land use regulations, policies, and standards;
- Performing design review of proposed structures to ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses and conformance with applicable design guidelines;
- Preserving Capitola’s historic resources and features;
- Preparing environmental documentation as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);
- Presenting discretionary projects and land use matters to the Capitola Planning Commission and City Council.
If you would like construct a new house, build an addition to an existing home, start a new business, change or expand an existing commercial building, add signage, or remove a tree, you may need permits from the City of Capitola. If you have questions about permit requirements, please contact the Community Development Department at 831-475-7300.
You may complete the Master Permit Application form if you would like to submit for a development permit.