2020 City Council Candidates
Capitola City Council Candidate Statements:
1) Kristen Petersen
Incumbent www.kristenforcapitola.cam ladykpetersen@gmail.com 831-435-0806 Age: 33
Since my election to Capitola City Council in 2016, I have taken an active role in many local, regional, and statewide projects and initiatives to benefit the residents of Capitola. I added youth members to all of the City’s advisory bodies, chaired committees to address coastal resiliency and village enhancement, created a task force for economic resilience, and supported residents impacted by the COVID pandemic. Additionally, I fundraised for our new Capitola Branch Library opening this winter, pushed for the development of a hotel on the new Capitola Mall site rather than in the village, secured dedicated funding for children’s programs, and helped raise money for multiple local agencies including the Capitola Police Department and Junior Guards.
I’ve spent many hours meeting with residents and community groups, advocated on behalf of business owners, volunteered at community events, and built relationships throughout the region and state to champion the City of Capitola. In my next term, I am looking forward to supporting the development of affordable housing, confronting the impacts of climate change, and striving for an equitable recovery from the COVID pandemic.
I’ve found great joy in serving this City that my family has called home for four generations. I am eager to finish what we have started in the past four years and begin to consider innovative ways of moving into the next four years. Please vote to re-elect Kristen Petersen to Capitola City Council. www.kristenforcapitola.com
Desde mi elección para el Concejo Municipal de Capitola en 2016, he asumido un papel activo en numerosos proyectos e iniciativas locales, regionales y de todo el estado para beneficiar a los residentes de Capitola. Agregué miembros jóvenes a todos los cuerpos consultivos de la Ciudad, presidí comités para abordar la flexibilidad costera y la mejora de la comuna, creé una fuerza de trabajo para la flexibilidad económica y brindé apoyo a residentes afectados por la pandemia de COVID. Además, recaudé fondos para nuestra nueva Biblioteca de la Sucursal de Capitola que se inaugurará este invierno, luché por el desarrollo de un hotel en el sitio del nuevo Centro Comercial de Capitola y no en la comuna, conseguí financiamiento dedicado para programas infantiles y ayudé a recaudar dinero para múltiples organismos locales incluyendo el Departamento de Policía y los Guardias Juveniles de Capitola.
He dedicado muchas horas a reunirme con residentes y grupos comunitarios, abogué en nombre de propietarios de negocios, trabajé como voluntaria en eventos comunitarios y entablé relaciones a lo largo de toda la región y el estado para defender a la Ciudad de Capitola. En mi próximo mandato, estoy ansiosa por brindar apoyo al desarrollo de viviendas asequibles, confrontar los impactos del cambio climático y luchar para que la recuperación de la pandemia de COVID sea equitativa.
Me ha producido gran alegría servir a esta Ciudad a la que mi familia ha llamado hogar durante cuatro generaciones. Estoy impaciente por finalizar lo que hemos iniciado en los últimos cuatro años y comenzar a considerar formas innovadoras de iniciar la trayectoria de los próximos cuatro años. Vote para reelegir a Kristen Petersen para el Concejo Municipal de Capitola. www.kristenforcapitola.com
2) Margaux Keiser
Small Business Owner www.margauxforcapitola.com margauxforcapitola@gmail.com 831-334-1799 Age: 33
I have decided that I want to represent the community on Capitola’s City Council. With many recent shifts happening in regards to the COVID19 pandemic, I have found that there is no better time than now to stand up and represent Capitola residents. As a twelve-year resident and small business owner, my heart and soul belong to this town and I would want nothing more than to be the voice of the people.
We have watched the pandemic wreak havoc on Capitola businesses, employees, and tourism and I want to help us recover and move forward. I want to allow hard working people to continue to have a place here in our town even in the wake of hard times. There is room for those that can benefit our community and society.
Yes, business is important, but so is maintaining our quaint “Capitola By The Sea”. There needs to be a balance of environment, community, safety, and business in order for everything to thrive here. I feel that going through the quarantine over the last few months has solidified how important our environmental and community surroundings are, and we need to fight to maintain them.
He decidido que quiero representar a la comunidad en el Concejo Municipal de Capitola. Se han producido numerosos cambios recientes con respecto a la pandemia de COVID-19, por lo que he determinado que no hay mejor momento que el actual para que me ponga de pie y represente a los residentes de Capitola. Como residente desde hace doce años y propietaria de un negocio a pequeña escala, mi corazón y mi alma le pertenecen a esta ciudad y no hay nada que quisiera más que ser la voz de la gente.
Hemos visto que la pandemia causó un caos para los negocios, los empleados y el turismo de Capitola y quiero ayudar a que nos recuperemos y avancemos. Quiero permitir que la gente que trabaja con ahínco siga teniendo un lugar aquí en nuestra ciudad incluso después de tiempos difíciles. Hay espacio para quienes pueden beneficiar a nuestra comunidad y sociedad.
Sí, los negocios son importantes, pero también es importante mantener nuestro pintoresco “Capitola Junto Al Mar”. Debe haber un equilibrio entre el medio ambiente, la comunidad, la seguridad y los negocios para que todo prospere aquí. Siento que pasar por la cuarentena durante los últimos meses ha consolidado la importancia que tiene nuestro entorno medioambiental y comunitario y debemos luchar por conservarlo.
3) Will Little Bear Reising
Account Executive & Business Owner|the.will.of.Capitola@gmail.com|www.linkedin.com/in/willreising|831-234-6896|Age: 45
I have lived in Capitola for most of my life. The Capitola Jetty is where I surfed my first wave at 10 years old and fell in love with our beaches. The Capitola Mercantile and Restaurants are where I had my first jobs and started to earn the benefits of hard work and self reliance. I have been a musician in this town and cherish the value of and understand the challenges for our artists. I came up through the Soquel School District and put myself through college. I was the 2nd graduating class at CSUMB and have since worked for some of the largest technology companies in the world IBM, Oracle, now Google as a technologist and Account Executive. I am a homeowner, business owner, and a working father. I know hard work. I know the importance of scale with caution and compassion. I know how to deliver results in chaos and in calm. I will earn your vote for City Council Member of Capitola if you give me the honor.
He vivido en Capitola casi toda la vida. Fue en Capitola Jetty que practiqué surf en mi primera ola a los 10 años de edad y me enamoré de nuestras playas. Fue en Capitola Mercantile y sus Restaurantes donde tuve mis primeros empleos y comencé a recibir los beneficios del trabajo con ahínco y la autosuficiencia. He sido músico en esta ciudad y comprendo y aprecio el valor de los retos para nuestros artistas. Logré ascender en el Distrito Escolar de Soquel y pasé a cursar el colegio. Fui la 2da clase graduada de CSUMB y desde entonces he trabajado para algunas de las compañías de tecnología más grandes del mundo como IBM, Oracle, ahora Google como tecnólogo y Ejecutivo de Cuentas. Soy propietario de casa, propietario de negocio y padre trabajador. Conozco el trabajo con ahínco. Sé de la importancia de ascender con precaución y compasión. Sé cómo proporcionar resultados en el caos y en la calma. Obtendré su voto para Miembro del Concejo Municipal de Capitola si usted me hace el honor.
4) Anthony Rovai
Financial Advisor/Lender moneyconcepts.com/arovai AnthonyRovaiForCapitola@gmail.com 831-475-3442 Age: 55
COVID has brought on some challenging times and tough decisions lie ahead for our amazing city. I believe my experience will best serve our community at this time. I graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in Marketing and Economics. As a Wealth Manager, Realtor® and Mortgage Broker I bring a trifecta of knowledge to my clients. I moved to Santa Cruz County in 1975. I have lived in Capitola for 23 years, remodeled two homes and built another gaining insight to the inner workings of our planning department.
I feel blessed to live and work in Capitola and I’m reminded of this every morning during my walk through the neighborhoods. We enjoy a healthy natural environment, clean, safe streets, vibrant business, social and cultural communities. Those are the qualities and services I will continue to prioritize as we balance the budget and build back better.
If you share my love for Capitola, like balanced budgets, and want to keep our community special, then vote for Anthony Rovai to bring commonsense solutions to Capitola. I will work hard to provide positive outcomes for our beloved City of Capitola.
I'd be honored by your vote.
Candidate Filing Timeline:
Name | 501 Filed | Nomination Petition Issued | Declaration of Candidacy Filed | Ballot Designation | Candidate Statement Filed | Qualified for Ballot? |
Edward Bottorff | - | - | - | - | - | No - termed out |
Kristen Petersen | 6/5/2020 | 7/13/2020 | 7/31/2020 | Incumbent | 7/31/2020 | Yes - signatures verified, papers filed |
Anthony Rovai | 7/28/2020 | 7/21/2020 | 8/7/2020 | Financial Advisor/Father | 8/7/2020 | Yes - signatures verified, papers filed |
Margaux Keiser | 7/31/2020 | 7/28/2020 | 8/4/2020 | Small Business Owner | 8/4/2020 | Yes - signatures verified, papers filed |
Dennis Norton | - | 7/30/2020 | - | - | - | No - signatures verified, no papers filed |
Will Reising | 8/7/2020 | 8/4/2020 | 8/7/2020 | Account Executive/Father | 8/7/2020 | Yes - signatures verified, papers filed |
Fair Political Practices Commission Filings:
The Fair Political Practices Commission is to promote the integrity of state and local government in California through fair, impartial interpretation and enforcement of political campaign, lobbying and conflict of interest laws. The Political Reform Act requires candidates and committees to file campaign statements by specified deadlines disclosing contributions received and expenditures made. These documents are public and may be audited by the FPPC and FTB to ensure that voters are fully informed and improper practices prohibited. It is the responsibility of candidates and committees to understand the rules regulating their campaigns in California.
To view Fair Political Practice Commission (FPPC) filings for Capitola City Council Candidates via our NetFile portal, here, or use the link at the bottom of the page.