City Council Meeting
Notice of In-Person & Remote Access
In accordance with Assembly Bill 361, City Council meetings are open to the public for in-person attendance at the Capitola City Council Chambers located at 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, California, 95010. Council and Staff will be meeting in-person and remotely, and the public can choose to attend either in-person or via remote access.
Other ways to Watch:
Spectrum Cable Television channel 8
City of Capitola, California YouTube Channel
To Join Zoom Application or Call in to Zoom:
Meeting link:
Or dial one of these phone numbers: 1 (669) 900 6833, 1 (408) 638 0968, 1 (346) 248 7799
Meeting ID: 833 2817 3113
To make a remote public comment:
Via Zoom Application: Use participant option to “raise hand”. The moderator will unmute you
Via Zoom phone call: Dial *9 on your phone to “raise your hand”. The moderator will unmute you