How to Attend Council Meetings Remotely

remote meeting text

In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20 from the Executive Department of the State of California, Capitola City Council meetings are not physically open to the public and in person attendance cannot be accommodated. Council and Staff meet virutally, using an online service called Zoom. Members of the public can join these Zoom Webinars, meetings are streamed live on the City website, and meetings are broadcast live on community television; Spectrum Cable TV channel 8. More information is provided below on how to attend and make public comment during a meeting. 


When Does Capitola City Council Meet? 

Capitola City Counci has regular meetings at 7pm on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, with the exception of July, August, and December when Counicl meets only on the second Thursday. To see the meeting dates, use this link, or navigate to the City Calendar. 

To watch Meetings:

  1. Use this link to stream the meeting live from the City website: (same link for each meeting)
  2. Watch on TV: Spectrum Cable Television channel 8
  3. Join our Zoom Webinar (details below)

To Join the Zoom Webinar:

Each webinar has a specific link, meeting ID, and passcode that allows you to join on a computer, mobile phone, or landline phone. Links are provided on published meeting agendas and by clicking on the meeting from the City Calendar on our website. The link is made available the Friday before the meeting, the same day the agenda is published. 

  • On computer or mobile phone, click the Zoom link
    • If prompted, enter the meeting ID and/or passcode (provided on the agenda or calendar event)
    • Select your audio; computer or by phone (select which option you prefer in the Zoom window)
  • If you are using a landline phone, you don't need the internet or a link. Instead, dial one of the phone numbers provided here and then enter the meeting ID and/or passcode (provided on the agenda or calendar event)
    • (669) 900-6833
    • (408) 638-0968 
    • (346) 248-7799 

To Make Public Comment During the Meeting:

There are two types of public comment during Council Meetings. The first is at the begining of the meeting, and is a time for members of the public to comment on topics within the Council's jurisdiction that are NOT on the meeting agenda. The second type is the public comment period for each General Government item on the agenda. For General Government Items, staff will present a report, Council will ask questions, and then the Mayor will announce the Public Comment period open. This is the time alotted for members of the public to comment directly about the item. After public comment, Council will deliberate and then vote (if appropriate). Here's how to make public comment, while the Council is conducting remote meetings: 

  • Zoom: If you are in the meeting via Zoom, "raise your hand" for our moderator to call on you
    • If on a computer or mobile phone, use the Zoom controls to click "Reactions" and then click "raise hand" 
    • If you are on a landline, dial *9 
    • Once unmuted, you are given 3 minutes to speak 
  • Email: during the live Council Meeting, email your comment to
    • Emails are read aloud for up to 3 minutes 
    • Emails received before or after the meeting will not be read and are not considered public comment