Leaf Blower Ordinance

On August 9, 2007, the Capitola City Council passed an ordinance to restrict the use of leaf blowers on residential property. Capitola joined about 100 other cities in California restricting or banning the use of leaf blowers. This ordinance is important for many reasons:

  • Leaf blowers are hazardous to our hearing
    • Typical leaf blowers emit over 90 decibels and may cause loss of hearing
    • Leaf blower noise is almost universally detested, disturbing residents' peace and quiet
  • Leaf blowers are hazardous to our health
    • Leaf blowers raise dust from the ground; these airborne particulates can remain airborne for literally hours. This particulate matter causes respiratory symptoms and pulmonary inflammation
  • The behavior of leaf blower operators can adversely impact the health and well-being of citizens
    • Some leaf blower operators blow debris from one property to an adjacent property, creating a debris problem for someone else
    • Some leaf blower operators blow dust and debris into open windows and doors, creating an unhealthy and offensive environment

The Ordinance

  • Permits use of leaf blowers only between 8 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday
  • Permits use of leaf blowers only between 10 AM and 4 PM Saturday and Sunday
  • Prohibits the use of leaf blowers to blow debris on adjacent property
  • Requires leaf blowers to be in proper working order
  • Requires leaf blowers to include all manufacturer's noise, emission & dust control equipment
  • Requires all debris resulting from leaf blower use be disposed of responsibly
  • Prohibits operation of leaf blowers that would deposit dust and debris inside windows, doors or other openings
  • Requires use of quieter leaf blowers, defined as blowers that do not exceed noise levels of 65 dB, in September 2008. Note that new blowers are marked with their sound level.

What you can do

  1. If you own a leaf blower, make sure its sound level is rated at or below 65 dB, and use it according to the ordinance
  2. If you use a landscaper, make sure their leaf blowers' sound level are rated at or below 65 dB and that your landscaper uses their leaf blower according to the ordinance
  3. Call 911 when you see or hear violations of this ordinance [Sect. 9.12.015]
  4. Attend Commission on the Environment meetings
  5. Help on Commission subcommittees by working toward positive environmental action in our collective community