Call to Artists - Depot Hill Stairs

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Monday, August 3, 2020 - 5:00pm

Call to Artists:  The Capitola Art & Cultural Commission is requesting qualifications from muralists who will be selected to design and produce a mural on the stairs leading to Depot Hill from Capitola Village. The mural will be painted on the vertical risers of the concrete stairs leading to Depot Hill. The stairs are located between Capitola Village and Depot Hill.  The begin at El Camino Medio in the village and end at Cliff Avenue on Depot Hill.  The artist selection will be a two-step process: first, the Commission will screen the qualifications and select up to 4 mural artists to develop a design proposal; second, one artist’s design will be selected by the Art and Cultural Commission and submitted for final approval by the Capitola City Council. 

Vision: The stairs are used by the public at all hours of the day and night.  They are used for exercise, as well as a way to walk from the Village to Depot Hill.   The Art and Cultural Commissions vision is to have a mural that is seen from the bottom to the top.   The stair tread needs to have the required contrasting stripe.  The mural needs to reflect the feel of the Village and Capitola.